Let’s Chat, Honestly
Hey Lady, I want to have a real honest chat with you. Let’s talk about loving ourselves, feeling confident and beautiful in our own skin, and how to do it. Before we talk about anything beauty related, we have to go over this.
When I created this blog, I had this in the root of my heart. I wanted to talk from an honest perspective and to teach women (that’s you!) to truly love themselves. As a makeup artist, and someone who has struggled with self love in the past, I learned that many of us women are too hard on ourselves. It can be really difficult to just love the bodies we are in! To put on that swimsuit, to look in the mirror, to feel our very best. I am here, with you, telling you that you can love yourself just the way you are! You are perfect! You deserve to feel beautiful!
I Bet You Didn’t Even Know
I’d bet you didn’t know how damaging it can be to be so hard on ourselves. Whether you treck to the mirror and look at yourself negatively, whether you say you don’t like the way those jeans fit, or what you feel you need to change.
It’s self-bullying! I want you to picture a child you love, whether it be your son or daughter, a niece or nephew, saying the things you say to yourself. You would immediately halt what you’re doing, get down to their eye level, and preach preach preach for them to love and embrace themselves! So why are we so mean to ourselves?
Why You Didn’t Notice
With any bad habit, it begins small. Maybe with aging, or our bodies changing, we start to criticizes ourselves and the way we look. Little by little, we criticize ourselves more, and it becomes easier to do. Then, we’re literally unhappy, our moods revolve around sometime so simple as how that waistband feels, and we don’t realize how often we are legit mean to our own self.
Give Yourself Permission
I want you to give yourself permission to feel beautiful, to feel perfect, to live life and stop dwelling on the negatives. Keep that in your mind, and stop yourself the next time you’re literally bullying yourself in your mind.
How To Feel Beautiful
This is how I went from hating my body, being downright miserable and insecure, to loving all of my “flaws”.
Go right now, and start every morning, right to the mirror. Pick three things that you love about yourself and say them out loud. When I began, I could barely muster that I liked my back. My back! That may sound worse than how you talk to yourself now, it may not, but wherever you are on your self love journey, start now.
By starting the day with positive intent, we can break those horrible self-bullying habits and I promise you, you begin to love yourself. You’ll begin to feel comfortable with your traits and body that make you so beautifully you.
Next week, choose new things you love. You could add more, but you cannot stop. Remember to give yourself permission to feel beautiful. Remember that there is no perfect, perfect is you. Remeber, keep at it, find three things you love about you every single day.
Share With Your Friends
Whether you share this article with a best friend or family member, send them the video, post to social, make it your intent to share self love! Show your friends how to practice it, sometimes the best way we learn is through teaching. Have your friend join you in practicing positivity with you.
Then, the next time a friend voices frustration with her appearance, don’t just tell her she looks fabulous; stop her in her tracks and tell her that she deserves to feel beautiful and how to practice the three things. Confidence comes from within, external flattery only goes so far. Show her how you beat the horrible cycle of bullying yourself in the mirror and make a difference in her life too.
Take Away
So you’ve probably recognized some of these self-bullying habits while reading or watching, something you’re realizing is worse than you thought. Give yourself that permission, tell yourself you are allowed to love yourself. Pick those three things to love in the mirror and keep practicing. Let yourself feel beautiful today, and share it with your friends. Don’t give up, and if you need someone to talk to or cheer you on, I’m here for you! Message me directly, send an email, find me on social. We have a wonderful group on Facebook, CBC Ladies Talk, where talk about life, what matters to us and support each other. As women, we are stronger together. Join the group and have a tribe of women to support you.
You’ve got this Miss, you are perfect, keep loving on yourself & you’ll get there,